Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gov. Crist signs SB 360, shows his true colors are anything but "green"

Editorial cartoon by Jim Morin, Miami Herald

Crist signs controversial growth bill
By Jim Ash
Tallahassee Democrat
Gov. Charlie Crist, a U.S. Senate candidate who frequently crosses the state for high-profile bill signing ceremonies, took a far different approach Monday when he signed a controversial growth management bill vehemently opposed by environmental groups.

Crist signs bill loosening controls on growth
By Paul Quinlan
Palm Beach Post
Related editorial: The governor can't hide
Gov. Charlie Crist bucked environmental groups and local governments Monday by signing a bill that development interests say will discourage urban sprawl and jump-start Florida's stalled building industry.

Crist signs growth-management bill (includes audio)
By Mitch E. Perry
WMNF Community Radio Tampa
As we reported last night, without ceremony Gov. Charlie Crist has signed Senate Bill 360, also known as the Community Renewal Act, into law.

Critics decry growth bill
Staff Report
Daytona Beach News-Journal
Gov. Charlie Crist signed a growth management bill Monday supported by business and development interests but opposed by environmentalists and local governments.

Crist's environmental image takes a hit
By Beth Reinhard
Miami Herald
Gov. Charlie Crist waited until 5:05 p.m. tonight to quietly send out a press release saying he had signed a "growth management'' bill that environmentalists say will result in worsening sprawl.

Crist refuels the bulldozers
By Kenric Ward
TC Palm
Gov. Charlie Crist cleared the way for developers by signing Senate Bill 360. Watch out, Treasure Coast.

Governor Gridlock
St. Petersburg Times
Gov. Charlie Crist just made it easier to pave over what's left of Florida.

Reckless rollback
Florida Today
Brevard County residents, you've just been had. And you can thank Gov. Charlie Crist and Republicans in the state Legislature for guaranteeing that you'll get stuck with the bill for more urban sprawl and traffic gridlock when growth returns to Florida.

Wildwood Preservation Society is a non-profit 501(c)(4) project of the Advocacy Consortium for the Common Good. Click here to learn more.

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